Schlagwort: Katniss Everdeen

The Hunger Games geht in die dritte (und vorletzte Runde) mit Mockingjay Part 1. Und weil wir einiges über den Film zu diskutieren haben gibt es einen gesamten Podcast über den Film. Diesmal ist auch wieder das gesamte Team (Wolfgang, Patrick, Michael) vor dem Mikrophon! Weiters gibt es ein Diskussionssegment mit Christina von Goodgirlkills über den Hunger Games Franchise sowie Young Adult Verfilmungen, die in Zukunft auf uns zukommen.

17. November 2014 / / Analysen

Mockingjay banner

The third (and not final) installment of the Hunger games book-trilogy will arrive in cinemas this week!

And the stakes couldn’t be higher. After the events in Catching Fire a full scale rebellion has broken out, which is turning Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) into the symbol of said revolution – the titular Mockingjay.

While The Hunger Games left me quite unimpressed Catching Fire turned me into a total fan of this Young Adult series. Yet despite my optimism for the future installment(s) I kept hearing what seemed to be the general consensus:

That Mockingjay was by far the worst of the three Hunger Games books and that it was a complete letdown for fans of the series.

So there I was: excited for a new movie which was already touted as a big letdown by the readers. Did this mean that Hunger Games was already past his prime right when I started to get into the fun? Ready for the inevitable disappointment I got my hands on a copy of the final book Mockingjay so that I could judge for myself if I should stop being excited for the series.

Having finished the book within a few days I was confident in two things:

  1. That splitting Mockingjay into two parts can be done without it feeling unnecessary (although it could easily be done in one movie).
  2. That Mockingjay was infact my favorite of the three stories.

So I thought it was about time to make a stand for a book which in my eyes has a quite undeserved reputation. A book which in my mind completely transcends the first two installments and transforms a quite good series into a very mature anti-war drama which avoids a surprising amount of clichés.

23. Januar 2014 / / General


This november unfortunately won’t mark the end of the Hunger Games Trilogy because it was decided to split the final book titled Mockingjay into two parts (do we really need to ask why?). So this sadly means that we have almost two more years for the ending of the story of Katniss Everdeen (then again the wait doesn’t seem that long if we consider that we have a Hunger Games movie every year).

Now the first poster was published once again featuring the simple design of the Mockingjay who started out as a simple pin for Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) from her sister (or the mayor’s daughter depending if you are talking about the movie or the book) and has now become the symbol of the revolution: