Schlagwort: Necromancer

7. Dezember 2013 / / Special Coverage

Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Banner

When Peter Jackson decided to expand his adaption of the Hobbit to three movies (after expanding one movie to two movies) people were either cynical or interested in why exactly the longer running time was necessary. The seeds of those expansions were planet in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and judging from the current trailers and characters from pictures we have seen The Desolation of Smaug might feel the full impact of Jackson’s additions.

The following article will speculate about the storyline revolving around Radagst the Brown and Gandalf the Grey. Beware there is a heavy bit on speculation which might turn out to be a spoiler if they are true.

30. Juli 2012 / / Special Coverage

Peter Jackson had an interesting announcement on his facebook page – something that has started as a rumor a few days ago:

The adaption of J.J.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit will not be two movies (An Unexpected Journey and There and Back again respectively) but instead a whole trilogy! Here is a capture of his statement: