Schlagwort: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

1. August 2017 / / Reviews

Planet der Affen: Survival muss nicht nur ein guter Film sein, sondern auch eine der besten modernen Filmreihen beenden – schafft Matt Reeves das Unmögliche?

27. August 2015 / / Reviews

In Kornél Mundruczó’s preisgekrönten Film Underdog (im ungarischen Original Fehér isten und weltweit bekannt als White God) verfolgen wir den Werdegang eines familienfreundlichen Hundes, ausgelöst durch menschlichen Verrat und Ausbeutung, hin zu einem Racheengel alttestamentarischen Ausmaßes. Im Verlauf des Filmes wird einem bewusst, dass es vor allem Menschen sind, denen Menschlichkeit fehlt.

9. August 2014 / / Reviews

Caesar und sein Streben nach einer friedlichen Affengesellschaft sind zurück und nach dem emotional ergreifenden ersten Teil Planet der Affen: Prevolution wird dem Zuschauer statt dem Coming of Age Film nun ein politischer Thriller mit Affen präsentiert. Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Let Me In) übernimmt den Regiestuhl von Rupert Wyatt, doch gelingt es ihm mit dieser schwierigen Prämisse eine gute Fortsetzung zu schaffen?

In 2011 20th Century Fox managed a feat few thought possible: they rebooted the Planet of the Apes Franchise with a prequel that stood on its own avoiding typical prequel pitfalls. Directed by Rupert Wyatt Rise of the Planet of the Apes allowed for a whole new generation to be drawn into a now eight movie franchise which has had its origins in the book La Planète des Singes (1963) by Pierre Boule.

3 years later a new director – Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Let Me In) – is giving us a sequel focusing on the chimpanzee Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his group of hyper-intelligent apes who are trying to build themselves a homestead 10 years after a deadly virus has wiped out most of humanity. But when a group of humans stumbles into Caesar’s territory the conflict is imminent.

8. Mai 2014 / / General

Ape Army

The bad thing about the sequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes is that director Rupert Wyatt is not returning to direct the sequel. The good thing about this new trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (those titles for sure do run long) seems to follow in Wyatt’s footsteps of making these movies more about the apes as fully fleshed characters instead of villains for CGI battles:


For some thoughts hit the jump:

24. Mai 2013 / / Reviews

Into Darkness Banner  

Being the sequel to a super fast paced reboot Star Trek Into Darkness wastes no time and throws us right into an Indiana Jones inspired opening. While Kirk (Chris Pine) and Dr. McCoy (Karl Urban) have to distract the natives Spock (Zachary Quinto) has to stop a volcano from destroying this civilization. The high adrenaline opening culminates into a situation where Kirk violates the prime directive which forbids interference in lesser developed cultures.

His actions save the day but also make the primitive species worship the Enterprise as a symbol of some godly interference.

It is after this action sequence and the comedic payoff that the title card appears and the movie literally descends into darkness with a moody introduction of the mysterious villain John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch).

12. Januar 2013 / / General
29. Februar 2012 / / Oscars