Schlagwort: Alfonso Cuaron

2. Oktober 2013 / / Oscars

 Gravity 2

When a storm of debries from a shot down satellite surprises a shuttle from the ISS (International Space Station) the surviving astronauts Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) must fight to stay alive and make it back to safety in one piece.

Cuarón returns
It has been seven years since Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men – a brilliant and layered science fiction film weaving social and polticial commentary together with fantastic characters and staggering images.

Seven years is an awfully long time for a director to follow this movie whose critical praise has only increased since then. The obvious question is was it worth the wait?

11. Mai 2013 / / General
1. Dezember 2011 / / Movie Advent Calendar
14. Juli 2011 / / Analysen


I know, I sound like a broken record every year, but this summer-movie-season sucks… not only have the previous films been average “meh” (Thor) to downright stupid (Transformers 3), there are no real bright lights on the horizon (this year’s Pixar moving having turned into a critical bomb and no movie like Inception on the horizon).

24. Dezember 2010 / / Movie Advent Calendar