Schlagwort: BAFTA

2. März 2014 / / Oscars


It’s Oscar time again!
The Super Bowl for movie fans is upon us!

And no Oscar race would be complete without our annual predictions.

And this year is going to be one of the best races in recent Oscar history. Very rarely does the Academy have a lineup full of really great talents and movies that will truly stay with us for a long time (anyone remember Benjamin Button? Yeah, me neither).

The list ranges from

  • 12 Years a Slave – an intense experience which never turns into the standard Oscar movie about slavery
  • Gravity – a movie showing the beautiful union of gripping storytelling and technical spectacle
  • Nebraska (review yet to come) – a very intimate story about what we truly know about our parents and why we should/shouldn’t trust people
  • American Hustle – a flashy, fun comedy lead by an ensemble cast of top notch actors enjoying every moment of the ride
  • The Wolf of Wall Street – a divisive piece of entertainment which is much complex and layered than many of the critics have made it out to be

And those are just the five nominees who also have a nomination for Best Director. On top of that are so much more brilliant pieces it is actually spooky. I have yet to catch up on Philomena and Dallas Buyers Club but I highly doubt that they will be The Reader or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close of 2014 – meaning the movie you keep wondering why it was nominated at all.

But now to our tips. As with the last years I sat down with Existential Coffee and we compiled our list for winners. If we disagreed about one category my predictions will be in blue and Existential Coffee’s in red.

11. Februar 2013 / / Oscars

argo you know what

I have mentioned it in the Oscar-Podcast but I don’t grow tired of saying it: Oscar season is like the super-sport event for movie fans. The same way you root for your football team to make it all the way until the finals the same way you are rooting for your favorite film (or against your least favorite film).

Aside from the individual guild awards (most notable for the big predictions are producers, directors, screenactors and screenwriters guild) the BAFTA-Awards (The British Academy of Film and Television Arts) are another award show which might affect the Oscar-outcome or at least point towards some possible winners in categories which are still unsure.

So after having spent the night refreshing the awards-sites to find out who won (due to not being able to receive BBC1 or BBC3) here are some quick thoughts about some winners and how this might play into the big Oscar-race (full list of winners can be found over at incontention).

13. Februar 2011 / / Oscars
13. Februar 2011 / / Oscars
23. Januar 2011 / / Oscars