Schlagwort: Magneto

26. November 2013 / / General
23. Juni 2011 / / General

The highly anticipated two parter (The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: There and Back Again) that will take of December 2012 unveiled three images of the first part featuring  Bilbo Baggins (the porn actor from Love Actually) and Gandalf (Magneto v1.0):

10. Juni 2011 / / Reviews

It is always good when a movie surprises you – even when some of the flaws that you feared would be in there are still there.

X-Men: First Class brings the X-Men back to its roots after the last two installments (especially Wolverine) managed to underwhelm but this time without the clawed mutant as its lead.

Helmed by director Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) First Class tells the story of how Magneto and Professor X first met and links the mutant history to the Cuban missile crisis. Contrary to many prequels this movie actually succeeds in making the backstory interesting.

16. März 2011 / / General
10. Februar 2011 / / General