December 13th – Home Alone

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I guess this one is pretty self-explanatory and I bet that this is on the Christmas watch list of 80% of people  who like to watch Christmas movies to get into the mood for the big celebration – or if you are doing a Saw movie Marathon you can’t watch the series without the origin story Saw 0: Home Alone.

The interesting thing that I have stumbled across is that Home Alone despite being one of the most beloved Christmas movies I can imagine got pretty panned by critics. Maybe they weren’t in the mood for Christmas back then.

So I doubt I can say anything more about Home Alone that isn’t already general knowledge so I give you 10 seconds to leave this site and watch Home Alone.





Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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