December 23rd – Nightmare before Christmas

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The title alone makes this movie the perfect candidate for december 23rd and it is the third Tim Burton movie on this list, reminding us of the great genius that he was before he made travesties like Alice in Wonderland.

Directed by Henry Selick, who would go on to make the fantastic Coraline (an adaption of a Neil Gaiman children story), Nightmare before Christmas features Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town who by chance stumbles upon Christmas Town and decides that this year Christmas will be in the hands of Halloween.

The stop motion is gorgeous, the characters great, the story unique and the score by Danny Elfman will be stuck in your head afterwards especially the Oogie-Boogie-Song…


Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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