Superbowl Trailer Assault

Super Bowl is here…. well I don’t know anything about Super Bowl but I know that there will be lots of new trailers interrupted by some kind of sport thingy, so here we are, the 2011 Super Bowl Trailers:

Marvel’s The Avengers

So we get more glimpses of the Special Effects onslaught and it looks pretty big, but also very emotionless going up against a giant evil alien attack. At least they have added spaceships to the exploding cars from the first trailer so the explosions don’t look so random like they did in the first preview.


So it’s Blair Witch meets Magneto. I was very curious after the first trailer and now that it opened in America with very strong reviews I can’t wait until April 20th when it will arrive in Austria.

The Hunger Games

This is one of the most hyped movies that will come out 2012, there is the big expectation if The Hunger Games can fill the void that Harry Potter and Twilight will leave.

John Carter

No idea what to think of this

The Dictator

I enjoyed both Brüno and Borat so I am looking forward to Sacha Baron Cohen’s new movie.

The Lorax

I was told the story by a good friend, sounds very nice and creative.

And for the sake of being complete: MORE EXPLOSIONS!


For even more trailers from the Super Bowl just head over to coming-soon

Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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