Kategorie: Special Coverage

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

Escape manages to open with the biggest “what the hell“ moment in the entire series, showing our present day (well 70s present day) earth where a ship crashlands that looks oddly familiar. Three astronauts exit, but when they take of their helmets the obvious music cue just makes it even stranger to look at three apes in space uniforms and wonder what the hell just happened.

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

The sequel to Planet of the Apes has more than one problem, but the biggest is that it just looks like a bad science fiction movie. Interestingly the first movie while looking considerably dated, featuring camera movements and storytelling techniques that would not resonate with nowadays audience does not feel cheap or bad and holds our interest.

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

Following a lot of movie franchises Planet of the Apes is the best part of the franchise and what came after never reached the hights of the original.

5. August 2011 / / Batman
1. August 2011 / / Batman
22. Juli 2011 / / Special Coverage

Universal has finally given a clear “no” to The Dark Tower after pushing back the film date. Similar to At the mountains of Madness (intended to be directed by Guillermo Del Toro) the ambitious project was scrapped due to budget reasons – and who can fault them when you have exciting 200 million dollar adaptions of:

12. Juli 2011 / / Batman

Wow I didn’t think it would be out already, but Warner Brothers is already gearing up delivering the Teaser Poster for The Dark Knight Rises.

Update:  rumours about the Teaser being attached to Harry Potter seem to be true and according to collider we will see the HD version very soon (apparently the Teaser has already leaked in bad quality online but I think I’ll wait for glorious HD presentation and not spoil the fun).

19. Juni 2011 / / Special Coverage
17. Juni 2011 / / Batman

When Gary Oldman said that the script of The Dark Knight Rises would bring the story full circle the speculations started to rise. Generally the news about this movie keep dropping in and the more we know the stranger and unpredictable this movie starts to look (which is actually refreshing seeing as of today we can basically predict most of what’s going to happen in Amazing Spider-Man).

Now there have been reports about a certain cast member returning from Batman Begins which basically might kick The Dark Knight Rises into fifth gear (well at least for me).

Warning spoilers ahead: