Kategorie: The Hobbit Coverage

26. Oktober 2014 / / Special Coverage

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Langsam aber sicher kommt der Informations- und Bilderfluss zu The Battle of the Five Armies wieder ins Rollen. Im Gespräch mit Entertainment Weekly hat Regisseur Peter Jackson ein paar Details über den Film Preis gegeben und das Interview vor allem der namen gebende Schlacht gewidmet. Diese soll nicht weniger als 45 der 156 Minuten des Filmes in Anspruch nehmen und für deren Inszenierung war natürlich ein dementsprechender Aufwand mit von Nöten.

Warnung: Plotspoiler für den letzten Hobbit Film!

20. Oktober 2014 / / Special Coverage
25. Juni 2014 / / Special Coverage
26. April 2014 / / Special Coverage
12. März 2014 / / Special Coverage
7. Dezember 2013 / / Special Coverage

Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Banner

When Peter Jackson decided to expand his adaption of the Hobbit to three movies (after expanding one movie to two movies) people were either cynical or interested in why exactly the longer running time was necessary. The seeds of those expansions were planet in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and judging from the current trailers and characters from pictures we have seen The Desolation of Smaug might feel the full impact of Jackson’s additions.

The following article will speculate about the storyline revolving around Radagst the Brown and Gandalf the Grey. Beware there is a heavy bit on speculation which might turn out to be a spoiler if they are true.

5. Dezember 2013 / / Special Coverage
4. Dezember 2013 / / Special Coverage

Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Banner

Only a week until The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and the marketing is starting to kick into full gear. Many clips for the second part of Peter Jackson’s new trilogy have surfaced:

Legolas (Orlando Bloom) talks to Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly), a new elven warrior character created for the movie:

2. Dezember 2013 / / Special Coverage

Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Banner

The design of Smaug is one of the biggest things fans want to see in The Desolation of Smaug. After getting treated to Smaug’s eye at the end of An Unexpected Journey and some shots of the dragon in the trailer we now have a still image of the dragon which has been put onto an Air New Zealand Boeing 777-300ER:

30. November 2013 / / Special Coverage