Schlagwort: Cloverfield

10. April 2018 / / Reviews
31. März 2016 / / Reviews

  Das Filmstudio Bad Robot bringt mit 10 Cloverfield Lane scheinbar die lang erwartete Fortsetzung des Überraschungshits Cloverfield in die Kinos. Jedoch sollte man diesen Film komplett von seinem Titel-Verwandten losgelöst betrachten.

7. August 2011 / / Reviews

Super 8 is a children’s movie…
I mean this in the best sense of the word…
A movie for people who thought “why are there no more movies for kids like the ones Steven Spielberg made?

Directed by J.J. Abrams (Star Trek XI, Mission Impossible III) the first teaser made Super 8 appear to be in the vein of Cloverfield (produced by Abrams), but make no mistake, it is not primarily about a monster.
It is a movie about a group of children who are spending the summer making a title giving super 8 movie when a big train accident happens.

But was it an accident?
And what the hell was in this train? A
nd why is the military sealing of the city?

What started out as a film project very fast turns into an adventurous sci fi story.