Schlagwort: Jake Gyllenhaal

24. März 2017 / / Reviews
13. November 2014 / / Oscars

Im Regiedebüt von Dan Gilroy (Drehbuchautor von Real Steel und The Bourne Legacy) begleiten wir Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal), welcher in die moralisch fragwürdige Welt der titelgebenden Nightcrawler eintaucht – Personen, die spätabends Unfälle oder Verbrechen Filmen, um das Bildmaterial an Morgenshows zu verkaufen.

27. April 2011 / / Reviews

Source Code is a sci-fi movie
And by sci-fi, I mean real sci-fi not a fantasy story with some spaceships in it (Star Wars), not a fantasy story with some machine guns (Avatar), not a fast paced space western (Star Trek XI)…

Source Code is a sci-fi film meaning that it uses technology as a means of conflict and eventually reflects on our own fears of mortality by using overexagerated technological concepts (and a lot of creativity).

Because I was late to the movie and missed the first 8 minutes and because it was in french I was at first not really sure what was going on, having only read that it is about trying to prevent an explosion in a train – but I guess like most movies of this genre confusion at the beginning is intended since those movies are meant to be watched a second time to see all the hints that were already placed at the beginning.