Schlagwort: Skyfall

6. November 2015 / / Reviews

Spectre kann nicht in die großen Fußstapfen seines Vorgängers treten, der Spagat zwischen modernem Thriller und traditionellem Bond-Film gelingt nur bedingt.

Nach dem überwältigendem Erfolg von Skyfall kehrt Regisseur Sam Mendes zurück, um die Geschichte fortzusetzen. Im neuesten Film Spectre muss James Bond (Daniel Craig) sich dem zwielichtigen Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz) und dessen titelgebender Schattenorganisation Spectre stellen.

24. Juli 2015 / / Reviews

Nach dem unerwarteten Erfolg, sowohl kritischer als auch finanzieller Natur von Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol will Tom Cruise noch einen draufsetzen und das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen! Wenn zu Beginn noch Actionszene auf Actionszene folgt, kommt es im Laufe von Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation zu einer dichten Handlung, die glücklicherweise nie in unnötiges Twist-Territorium abgleitet, und am Ende einen sichtlich erschöpften Kinobesucher zurücklasst.

24. Juli 2015 / / Reviews

Tom Cruise attemps once again ups the ante after the fourth Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol turned out to be both a critical and financial surprise hit in 2011. While the action takes up a large chunk of the movie the plot starts to thicken as the story progresses. After the 2 hours and 10 minutes the movie audience is left visibly exhausted by the experience of this fifth entry in the action franchise which ranks among the best of the franchise.

25. Mai 2013 / / Analysen

Into Darkness Villain Plan

In recent Hollywood movies there has been a new trend for movie villains. Back in the days it was all about the villain and his hideout. The hero would get trapped and had to find a way to escape. Now the roles have reversed and the villain visits the hero. Now we care less about how the hero gets out but what the villain is actually planning.
When Bendedict Cumberbatch’s character John Harrison yelled “Then I surrender” I prepared for the inevitable evil masterplan to unfold. To my surprise the plan of Star Trek Into Darkness was surprisingly simple. And in retrospective it felt not that super convenient.

Hit the jump to find out what I think happened in the newest Star Trek movie and why it made more sense than Lost despite having the same author.

28. April 2013 / / OldPodcasts

The second podcast covering the most important things from 2012 is up!

Together with Existential Coffee we have finally agreed on our top movies from 2012. Because we couldn’t agree on all the movies (a reason it took so long to put the podcast together) we have compiled a list of 5 movies we agreed on and each one has chosen 5 additional movies for his personal top ten list. So this basically has turned a top 10 list into a top 15 list.

Note: The podcast is German as we do not dare to unleash our Austrian-German accents unto the internet.

Download the podcast here or if you just want to read the list of movies we selected for 2012’s best movies continue to read:

11. Januar 2013 / / OldPodcasts
13. März 2012 / / General