Schlagwort: Terrence Malick

10. Januar 2022 / / Filmtipps

Diese Woche startet eine große Retrospektive im Österreichischen Filmmuseum über Musik Maestro Ennio Morricone. Wir haben unsere Highlights ins Auge gefasst und ihr könnt mit Flip the Truck ins Kino.

Gnädigerweise haben Wolfi und Patrick die anderen beiden Podcastenden außen vor gelassen, denn einen 4-stündigen Superhelden-Film von einem sehr polarisierenden Regisseur muss man nicht jeder/m zumuten.

24. Oktober 2019 / / Viennale
17. Juni 2011 / / General

Terence Malick’s Tree of Life is about an American family and in between there are some shots of National Geographic.

The film has been on the radar of many Oscar-bloggers but surprisingly this is not really a typical Oscar-bait film. It is much more in the spirit of Cannes (where it won the Palme d’Or) meaning “if it doesn’t hurt it is not art”.

Thankfully I watched the movie two days before they gave the highest honour of Cannes to it so I did not know whether this movie was highly regarded or not and I guess I would have been a bit more disappointed having heard the insane praise this movie received before entering.