The new Batman is… Ben Affleck


A few weeks ago I celebrated the conclusion of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy and ended on a very positive note:

Much like the idea in the movie Batman lives on.
There will come a time when the eventual reboot happens and we can only hope that it won’t a hollow imitation of Christopher Nolan’s approach. Batman doesn’t have to be the Nolan way – he has survived and evolved through decades in various iterations. A look at the current Arkham-games shows that there is much more to Batman than what we have seen and just looking at the comics tells us that there are still thousand of fantastic storylines that have yet to be told.

But until such reboot comes let’s celebrate this great trilogy and may the legacy of Christopher Nolan’s Batman and all the great artists who made this happen live on!

The same day  I was unable to play the Blu Ray of The Dark Knight Rises and was forced to watch Merlin instead. Thinking the day wouldn’t get any worse my PC crashed and before I went to bed I saw a small announcement that the eventual Batman reboot would happen sooner than expected in form of a Batman/Superman teamup movie.


Because I was a bit shocked I decided not to write anything about this news and focus on Breaking Bad as the one sole thing that brought happiness into my life. But a Batman fan can’t leave his hero alone for long so eventually I came back asking myself the same questions as everyone else did. Not only if Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston would play Lex Luthor but who would play Batman/Bruce Wayne.

Well, we still don’t know about Luthor, but today it was announced that Ben Affleck (two times Oscar winner for Argo) would be the new Caped Crusader. And personally I am really surprised. I won’t go on whining about Daredevil or Pearl Harbor and just say that I respect Ben Affleck as an actor who shines when he writes and directs himself. I hope he can bring something good to the table despite Snyder’s direction and I really hope that he turn into a worthy Batman.

Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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