Kategorie: Reviews

9. April 2014 / / Reviews

Lego 1

In einer Zeit in der Spiele wie Schiffe Versenken zu Millionenblockbustern aufgebläht werden wirkt eine Lego-Verfilmung wie ein Symbol für den Untergang des originellen Blockbusters. Und obwohl viele bis zum Gang ins Kino skeptisch sein werden – oder wie ich schon im Vorhinein den Film als „unnötige Geldmache“ abgeschrieben haben – entpuppt sich The Lego Movie als einer der kreativsten und unterhaltsamsten Mainstream Filme der letzten Jahre.

7. April 2014 / / Reviews

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Die Bestimmung – Divergent ist der Versuch auf den erfolgreichen Zug der Jugendliteraturverfilmung mit aufzuspringen, welche durch Twilight und The Hunger Games geprägt wurden. Gelingt es Summit, dem Studio das uns Twilight brachte, dieses Mal nicht nur eine erfolgreiche Trilogie zu starten, sondern auch eine qualitativ hochwertige Verfilmung zu präsentieren?

2. April 2014 / / Reviews

Veronica Mars

Knapp zehn Jahre nach ihrer Karriere als Hobby-Privatdetektivin am College ist Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) nach New York City gezogen, um sich als Anwältin zu versuchen. Alles läuft perfekt, bis sie der Mordverdacht gegen Ex-Freund Logan (Jason Dohring) vermeintlich für einen Kurztrip in ihre Kleinstadt Neptune zurückführt. Beim Lösen ihres Comeback-Falles merkt sie schon bald, wie schwer es ihr fällt, sich emotional von ihrem alten Leben zu distanzieren.

11. Februar 2014 / / Oscars

american hustle 1 

If a note at the beginning of the movie reads

“some of this actually happened”

you pretty much know what you are going to get. American Hustle is loosely based on true events but the historical accuracy is never in the foreground. David O. Russell’s (The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook) newest movie once again has garnered an incredible amount of Oscar buzz (incredible 10 nominations).

Starring Christian Bale and Amy Adams as the two con artists Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser the director once again skillfully brings out the best of his actors and delivers a much more layered movie than last year’s Silver Linings Playbook. This is probably due to the double crossing nature of the characters which leaves the audience questioning who is playing which game and why.

29. Januar 2014 / / Oscars

12 years 3

Director Steve McQueen’s third movie 12 Years a Slave is based on the autobiography by Solomon Northup (portrayed by Chiwetel Ejiofor). A free black man from New York in 1841 who got abducted by two men who pretending to hire him as a violinist. Very quickly Solomon – now referred to as Platt – gets sold to a slaveowner (Benedict Cumberbatch) and is facing the harsh reality of working as a slave.

Riding on a lot of Oscar buzz 12 Years a Slave had me after a few minutes and after the movie was over I had this rare moment when I realized that I actually really love both frontrunners for best picture at the Oscars (Gravity being the other contender).

20. Januar 2014 / / Oscars

Wolf of Wall Street 3

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) who founded the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont and committed quite a handful of frauds. Directed by Martin Scorsese (Hugo) the movie chronicle’s Belfort’s descent into a world of crime, drugs and devastation.
And despite some mixed reviews and a lot of controversy surrounding its release I found myself enjoying the movie quite a lot – although enjoying might be the wrong phrase to use when we are talking about a 3 hour story about horrible people doing horrible things.

7. November 2013 / / Reviews

Marvel Phase 2 Banner

The Avengers have assembled and separated again.
Iron Man 3 has happened and acted as a sort of bookend for Avengers. And now Thor: The Dark World really kicks off the second phase of Marvels cinematic adventures.
And similarly to the original Thor it is the silver lining after the disappointing Iron Man 3 (a very similar situation to Thor following Iron Man 2) and probably the most entertaining Marvel studios film since Thor.

31. Oktober 2013 / / Reviews

Halloween Banner

It’s October 31st!

And times are a bit stressful so I was unable to finish the Chucky series in time. And since I didn’t want to rant about Seed of Chucky on Halloween. Like Christmas Halloween is a time to be joyful – terrified to death as well… but joyful) because it is a magic night. So I will take this time to squeeze in two quick reviews of movies I have seen this year but didn’t review yet: