Schlagwort: Helena Bonham Carter

27. Mai 2016 / / Reviews
10. März 2015 / / Reviews

Disney bringt mit Cinderella den selbsternannten klassischen und zuckersüßen Märchenfilm zurück auf die Leinwand während es anscheinend verzweifelt versucht jede Form von Neuinterpretation oder Statements über die Selbstbestimmtheit der Frau so weit wie möglich von sich wegzudrücken.

23. Februar 2013 / / Oscars

 Les mis banner

Les Misérables follows the life of Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) who is released from a 19-year sentence and has to try to find a new life after losing two decades in hard slave-work. But Valjean can never rest easy for Javert (Russell Crowe) is always on his heels reminding him that once a criminal always a criminal. In the eyes of Javert a man like Valjean deserves no second chance and will always be a thief. The conflict of redemption hope and how tiny good deeds can redeem a man and change people is played against the background of the June Rebellion (1832) a student-led revolution against the monarchy.

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

A decade ago and almost 30 years after the hilarious Battle for the Planet of the Apes Tim Burton decided to start a project he perfected with Alice in Wonderland: to take a great original movie, remove everything remotely interesting and give us a horrendous adaptation in name only.