Schlagwort: Samuel L. Jackson

27. Januar 2016 / / Reviews

Mit The Hateful Eight bleibt Regisseur Quentin Tarantino weiter dem Western-Genre treu und erzählt ein Kammerspiel im verschneiten Wilden Westen. Und nach dem etwas faulen Django Unchained geht The Hateful Eight wieder in die richtige Richtung.

12. März 2015 / / Reviews

Nachdem Matthew Vaughn schon mit X-Men: Erste Entscheidungen und Kick-Ass gezeigt hat, dass er die Bildsprache von Comics erfolgreich auf die Leinwand bringen kann, kommt nun mit Kingsman: The Secret Service eine hyper-brutale Ode an die James Bond Ära unter Roger Moore.

25. Januar 2013 / / Reviews

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Reviewing a Tarantino movie is always tricky as there are very few directors where it really depends on what you want and expect when going into his movies – depending on this either you love the things or you will roll your eyes at them.

In 2009 I heard average buzz at Cannes from Inglourious Basterds and not being a real fan of Tarantino’s works post Pulp Fiction I went in wanting to see the pretentious director fail miserably… I went out of the cinema begrudgingly admitting that Inglourious Basterds was a pretty solid film. And the more time passed the more I fell in love with it until it eventually ended on my year’s best list and still is.

With Django Unchained I went in wanting to really like it because Basterds had just swept me around and reduced all the problems I had with Death Proof and Kill Bill.

When the final credits rolled I was left thinking “maybe I expected too much”…

29. Juli 2011 / / General
30. April 2011 / / General
13. Dezember 2010 / / Reviews