Schlagwort: Warner Brothers

12. September 2013 / / General

fantastical beastsjpg

Well it seems Star Wars isn’t the only franchise to get the spin-off treatment. Warner Brothers announced that there will be a new movie set in the Harry Potter universe. But it might not be the story you suspected:

8. Februar 2013 / / General
12. Dezember 2012 / / General
4. Dezember 2012 / / General
15. September 2012 / / General
23. August 2012 / / Special Coverage
23. Mai 2012 / / Batman
13. März 2012 / / Special Coverage
22. Juli 2011 / / Special Coverage

Universal has finally given a clear “no” to The Dark Tower after pushing back the film date. Similar to At the mountains of Madness (intended to be directed by Guillermo Del Toro) the ambitious project was scrapped due to budget reasons – and who can fault them when you have exciting 200 million dollar adaptions of:

6. April 2011 / / General

As a nice appetizer (since Warner Brothers knows that most people will buy the DVD/Blu Ray anyway) there has been a bunch of deleted scenes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 that got released.

Most of them really deserve the name deleted scenes except for the short moment between Petunia. While I love this tiny moment I guess it has been deleted in favor of the brilliant non-verbal opening (aside from the Tales of the Three Brothers my favorite part of the film).

UPDATE: Wow they sure safed us from lot of “nothing happens scenes”

Enjoy the scenes after the jump…