Delayed Infodump

Blimey, one week in England and suddenly everything exciting happens. I am a little late on with basically everything, so here just a collection of highlights that I missed:

In cinemas right now:
I haven’t had time (or internet) for any reviews, so just a quick overview of the last three movies I have seen:

Transformers 3:
Better than the second (who is in my personal most hated movies list) nowhere near the first (which I really really really like). Idiotic and loud, the first 1.5 hours are just bad, nice explosions but stupid.
Category: 1
Score: 50%

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2:
Worthy of every cent
Category: 1
Score: 87%

Green Lantern:
Big disappointment, so by the numbers it lacks the charm of Thor and X-Men and feels like someone remade the first Superman who is out of touch of current movies.
Category: 1
Score: 40%

Cars 2:
Average (and therefore disappointing) Pixar entry, the first Pixar movie I did not enjoy.
Category: 1
Score: 60% (if you are comparing it with standard summermovies)
20% (if you are judging it as a Pixar movie)

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser:

Surprisingly informative for a Christopher Nolan Trailer (check out the The Dark Knight teaser for comparison) and I love the fact that the teaser is focusing on Gordon and Batman, let’s hope for a great Gordon/Bruce relationship drama, bromance in Gotham is the way to go – and who is the guy in the background when Batman is fighting Bane?

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Trailer:
To further make us waste our money on another release of Star Wars (as the writer of this article will undoubtedly do) they released a trailer showing the deleted scenes that will be added (among it finally an official release of the scene where Luke watches the space battle):


The Hobbit Production Diaries:
Peter Jackson has already published part 1 and part 2 of his production diaries and as an apology for not being at Comic Con he has released a third diary and I think I’m not alone in thinking that the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (part 2: There and Back Again) will be one of the top movies next year.


Also check out the 13 dwarves that will go with Bilbo

Jackson stated that the fact that you have 13 (14 with Bilbo) was one of the reasons he was unsure about this project, but I guess he will pull it off as usual.

First image of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus:

What started as an Alien Prequel was soon turned into an original story about creation loosely connected to the Alien universe and directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner).

Paranormal Activity 3 Teaser:

Giving us the backstory of Katie and Kristi the third installment is directed by documentary makers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman so I hope they realised that another sequence of slamming doors wouldn’t cut it and try a different approach.

Machete Kills and Sin City 2:
Robert Rodriguez has confirmed that he is working on Machete Kills, the sequel to the great Machete (as teased at the end of the movie), also that the third movie Machete Kills Again will be set in space – not sure if that is to be taken seriously, but why not?

Also the first real Sin City 2 news in a long time surfaced, here are the short points:

Like part one it will be 3 stories
It will be called A dame to kill for (a Sin City comic with Clive Owen’s character before he had face transplantation)
The story The Long Bad Night will be an original story by Frank Miller that is not based on previously published comics
It will be in 3D – insert useless excuse

More info on Rodriduez’s projects at Bloody-Disgusting.

[Rec] 3: Genesis:

This news is a bit older but I stumbled about it a few days ago but the [Rec] series doesn’t get enough attention anyway so no harm done. [Rec] 3: Genesis. Also there is a storysynopsis:

The action now takes place miles away from the original location and partly in broad daylight giving the film an entirely fresh yet disturbing new reality. The infection has left the building. In a clever twist that draws together the plots of the first two movies this third part of the saga also works as a decoder to uncover information hidden in the first two films and leaves the door open for the final installment the future ‘REC 4 Apocalypse

I thought they would go the same route as Paranormal, making the third movie a prequel to set the stage for the finale – no matter what I am more than curious and excited (although it will be a long wait since [Rec] never gets released in my country and you always have to wait for the Blu Ray).
I promise very soon a review of both the [Rec] and Quarantine series to show what makes [Rec] such a good series and how bad American remakes can get.

Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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