Schlagwort: Christopher Nolan

9. November 2014 / / Reviews

Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight) bringt uns einen neuen Science Fiction Blockbuster, in dem Cooper (Matthew McConnaughey) und ein Team von Astronauten sich durch ein Wurmloch in eine neue Galaxie begeben, um ein neues Zuhause für die menschliche Spezies zu finden.

1. Mai 2014 / / Podcasts
21. April 2014 / / Reviews

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In seinem Regiedebut erzählt uns Wally Pfister die Geschichte von Wissenschaftler Will Caster (Johnny Depp), der zusammen mit seiner Frau Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) an künstlicher Intelligenz forscht. Als er einem Attentat der technophoben Terrororganisation R.I.F.T. zum Opfer fällt, rettet seine Frau und bester Freund Max (Paul Bettany) seinen Verstand indem sie diesen digitalisieren. Doch ist es noch Will oder schon etwas ganz anderes?

19. April 2014 / / Reviews

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After 2012’s reboot of the Spider-Man franchise (The Amazing Spider-Man) Mark Webb returns for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Where the first movie was trying to emulate the style Christopher Nolan’s hyper-real Batman reimagining, this movie goes full into comic book mode, boasting colorful villains, giant action setpieces and an abundance of trouble for the hero Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield). And while the movie doesn’t reinvent the wheel – or convert any people who aren’t already on board of the superhero train – it offers a solid enough story to entertain for its quite long running time.

14. Dezember 2013 / / General
27. November 2013 / / Batman
20. Juli 2013 / / Analysen

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A year ago o July 20th I saw one of my most hyped up movies: The Dark Knight Rises
The conclusion of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy or – as it is now know – the Dark Knight Trilogy.
Only a year?

After some initial uncertainties with The Dark Knight Rises as a final installment I went back to rewatch the trilogy and see it as a whole. And the more I thought about it, the more all the pieces fit together.

Many problems I had with the plot – especially the idea of legacy – were because I was expecting  a different take on Batman but it is undeniably clear that Christopher Nolan has had a vision for a story and never compromised. We can agree and disagree but it is truly a sign of a storyteller expressing his vision of a character.

And because of this Nolan’s trilogy is the measure stick for superhero trilogies and movie trilogies in general. And it will probably remain for quite some time.

To celebrate a fantastic and unique run for 7 years in the theaters I listed 3 moments from the 3 movies – as well as a special mention – to highlight why I think that this trilogy stands tall above most blockbusters

25. Juni 2013 / / Reviews
12. April 2013 / / General
12. April 2013 / / Special Coverage