Schlagwort: Simpsons

4. Dezember 2011 / / Movie Advent Calendar

For the full Movie Advent Calendar click here.

Following in The Simpsons’s footsteps we have a Futurama Christmas special. Futurama created by Matt Groening on first glance appears to be an over the top Simpsons Rip-Off in the future, but the series is a completely different way for satirized storytelling.

3. Dezember 2011 / / Movie Advent Calendar

For the full Movie Advent Calendar click here.

Long before The Simpsons became the sad joke they are right now the series redefined the way we look at serialized animated storytelling. Combining jokes, theology, philosophy, history, science into an entertaining mix for both adults and children. While there were many hilarious episodes in later seasons the earlier seasons were a lot heavier on the family drama and the moments between the members of the Simpsons family.

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

Bart Simpson: And every night the monkey
butlers will regale us with jungle stories.
Nelson: How many monkey butlers will there be?
Bart Simpson: One at first, but he’ll train others.

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes has finally realized Bart Simpson’s dream of an army of ape-butlers. And it teaches the valuable lesson that ape-butlers will eventually overthrow society.

29. Oktober 2010 / / Reviews